Электронная библиотека (репозиторий) Томского государственного университета
Title Hits Visitors Downloads
Observation of a highly spin-polarized topological surface state in GeBi2Te4 19882 19445 7
Unoccupied topological surface state in Bi2Te2Se 15356 15018 6
Topological surface states with persistent high spin polarization across the Dirac point in Bi2Te2Se and Bi2Se2Te 7632 7474 7
Experimental Evidence of Hidden Topological Surface States in PbBi4Te7 26310 25708 2
The gigantic Rashba effect of surface states energetically buried in the topological insulator Bi2Te2Se 7237 7118 6
Experimental verification of PbBi2Te4 as a 3D topological insulator 19568 19224 3
Many-body interactions and Rashba splitting of the surface state on Cu(110) 6766 6661 2
Quasiparticle interference on the surface of Bi2Se3 induced by cobalt adatom in the absence of ferromagnetic ordering 23314 22879 7
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Namatame, Hirofumi

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Namatame, Hirofumi

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